Randall Fitzgerald

Author of The Tao of Intuitive Luck
Lucky You! - Randall Fitzgerald

Lucky You!

Lucky You!
Proven Strategies for Finding Good Fortune
Published by Citadel
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Born lucky...or made lucky? Learn to create good fortune.

Some people feel helpless when faced with personal tragedy, financial problems, and other unfortunate events. But others skillfully overcome the negatives and "tune in" to everything from gambling wins to career breaks. Now you can learn the secrets of being among the 'lucky' by understanding the spiritual dimensions of good fortune and unleashing your personal power to open doorways of opportunity, success, and happiness. 

LUCKY YOU! will teach you the proven practices of lucky people that attract good fortune in each of these key areas: Health and Safety; Business and Investment; Relationships and Love; Gambling.

978-0806525419 | February 1, 2004